Our Staff

Our Staff Family
Mr M Beach

Headteacher (DSL)

Since September 1st, 2024, Mr Beach joined Great Gaddesden CE (VA) School as our new headteacher.
Mr Beach is responsible for Teaching & Learning, Behaviour, Safeguarding Lead/DSL, Attendance, RE, PPG & Collective Worship

Inclusion & Pastoral Team
Mrs G Aikman

SENDCo/Inclusion Leader (SLT)

Mrs Aikman is our SENDCo and works on a Tuesday at Great Gaddesden School.
Mrs Aikman is also our Mental Health Lead, PSHE lead & Designated Teacher for Looked After children.

Mrs E Redman

Pastoral Support & HLTA (DDSL & SLT)

Mrs Redman oversees pastoral support at Great Gaddesden. She is the Attendance Champion, Deputy Mental Health Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. Mrs Redman also supports teaching and learning across the school as well as also supporting our wrap around provision (breakfast and nurture club).

Office Team
Mrs J Davies

Interim Office Administrator


Mrs Davies is our interim office administrator and works on a Tuesday - Thursday.

Mrs J Lewis

Finance Manager

Mrs Lewis is our finance manager and supports the administration in the school.
Mrs Lewis works on a Monday.

Teaching and Learning Team
Class Teachers 
Mrs C. Benson

EYFS Teacher & Computing Lead

Mrs Benson teaches in our EYFS unit on Monday- Thursday.

Mrs K Marshall

EYFS Teacher & Co-Science Lead

Mrs Marshall teaches in our EYFS unit on a Friday.

Miss J Carty

Y1/2 teacher & English Lead

Miss Carty teaches Y1/2 Monday-Wednesday.

Miss Carty leads English in our school, with responsibility for English

Ms R Bonney

Y1/2 Teacher & PE Lead

Ms Bonney shares the teaching in Y1/2, teaching on a Thursday and Friday.

Mrs De Rouffignac

Y3/4 Teacher & Creative Arts Lead

Mrs De Rouffignac teaches Y3/4 and has responsibility for Creative Arts (Art, DT & Music). She is also a qualified Forest School leader.

Mrs D Lilley

Year 5/6 Teacher, Maths & Humanities Lead (DDSL)

Mrs Lilley teaches our Year 5/6 class.
Subject leader roles include Maths and Humanities (History + Geography)

Mrs E Slater

Year 5/6 Teacher & Co-Science Lead

Mrs Slater teaches Year 5&6 on a Monday.

Other Teaching Staff    
Mr D Waygood

Specialist Teacher - Music & MFL Lead

Mr Waygood teaches Spanish to Key Stage 2 as well as Music.
He teaches each KS2 class the recorder.

Mrs J Cresswell

Specialist Teacher- Singing

Mrs Creswell teaches singing to every class on a Tuesday afternoon. She also leads our school choir.

Teaching Assistants 
Mrs J Hollings

Teaching Assistant

Miss Hollings supports the teaching and learning across Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2.
She also supports our wrap around provision (breakfast and nurture club).

Mrs L Pryke

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Pryke supports the teaching and learning in Key Stage 2 on a Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs J.T. Sutcliffe

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Sutcliffe supports the teaching and learning in Key Stage 2 on a Wednesday - Friday. Mrs Sutcliffe is trained in drawing and talking and provides support throughout the school.

Mrs A Robertson

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Robertson supports in Early Years in the mornings and across the school in the afternoons.
She also supports our wrap around provision (breakfast and nurture club).