School Meals

Please note that we are a NUT FREE school
Great Gaddesden School is a nut-free zone, as we have children with nut allergies. Please refrain from giving your child any nut-related product as a snack or in their packed lunch.
School Lunch
At Great Gaddesden School, pupils are offered the choice of a hot school meal available at a cost of £3.35 per day, or the option to bring their own healthy packed lunch from home.
The following options are available:-
  • meat or fish (red choice)
  • vegetarian meal (green choice)
  • jacket potato with filling (orange choice)  
  • chilled option - roll, sandwich, baguette (yellow choice)
Wednesday choice always includes a roast lunch and Friday choice includes a pizza option. 
Menus are sent home termly so parents are able to discuss choices with their children. Children are able to make their own meal choices each day.
Our meals are prepared by a nearby school and are transported to the school by Herts Catering staff. 
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to a free school lunch.
Free School Meals are offered to those accessing Pupil Premium Funding. Please contact the office if you think your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. 
Payment for School Meals is made via the school onlne payment system. This is payable half termly. This is a requirement set out by Herts Catering.
Packed Lunch
We suggest a well balanced packed lunch that includes a piece of fruit/veg, sandwich/wrap and a small dessert (e.g.yoghurt).
The school request only oven baked crisps to be included and no chocolate please.
Morning Break
All children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive a piece of fruit through the NHS SFVS (School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme)
Parents also have the option of ordering milk on a termly basis in advance. Details are sent home towards the end of the second half of each term.